Sunday, September 16, 2007

What Naked Truth Facts Do You Know?

The blunt truth is always better as it causes change, yet few share that type of information. Our platform is meant to attract people who will share that type of information with you.... nkdGurus!

Education first! It could be anything, share it with us by commenting to this blog. What interesting naked truth facts can you come up with?

Building a community of both Grasshoppers who ask questions and seek mentorship, along with Gurus who provide insightful knowledge based on experience and status is well underway, and our first priority is working with our users to strengthen our community. We have plenty of ideas and features we will be rolling out over the course of the year, and giving back to our evangelists, the people that contribute to the success of is what we are all about!! I’m on the record, blogging right now to tell you all… So get involved and watch this space!

-Jay Williams

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Sundays for Students

As much as students need guidance and access to academic and career related facilities like advisors and library archives, there isn’t so much Intelligence to support the huge demand for information.

It's no secret that career and academic information, social and personal info – School related advice is highly sought, everybody is on the hustle, and as a student; tapping into resources and services that come with the student territory is competitive. What should be practical is instead dressed up, formal and typically text book, like following a recipe! But in today’s sophisticated world, recipes just don’t work anymore. Now we have to bring more to the table in order to get ahead that involves not just what you know and who you know, but also getting out there (into the big wide world) and making things happen for yourself.

A nkdGuru is someone who knows what other people want to know! It’s the ability to tell things as they are, more importantly providing intelligence in naked form! To be frank it’s telling the naked truth!

Let’s say it’s compulsory for every student (college and university) to see a careers advisor before graduation. Surely the information provided will be based on training and knowledge of what prospective employers are looking for. I mean these guys tell us how many resumes to send out, tell us to go to careers fairs, and tell us to keep our options open, and expectations managed. All very well, but the simple fact is there are only a handful of amazing opportunities dished out in comparison to the amount of students working towards graduating with a degree and achieving the goal set out in our individual plan.

Truthfully it must also be said that there are many people with very different plans and missions in life, everybody has a story to tell, and each story always leads to a success.Point is, there are plenty of ways to score a dollar and become the next best thing, and with the right platform that we will be launching shortly, the right people servicing students with the naked truth. More students working towards graduation and a steady career path will be able to compete fairly, with a better chance of achieving their goals and progressing both academic and career wise.

Get online and catch up with buddies, do a bit of socializing and feel good about being a bit of an online social network-er!! More importantly touch base with nkdGurus, reach out to mentors… This should be the new Sunday routine for all students. I mean going through school is fun and all, but it’s also grueling, challenging, time intensive and very expensive! Surely a mentor dedicated to helping you blossom in your school days is a must…? Of course it is! Study time usually falls on Sunday’s shoulders - Make a Sunday thing too!!

Register as a Grasshopper.

-Jay Williams

Thursday, September 6, 2007

Why can't everyone use the site right now?

Some of you may be wondering why can't I access the site? Here are the reasons.

At least to start, we’re keeping some control over signups for a few reasons:

(1) our product is in a testing phase, and there are a number of bugs that we are working through;

(2) to ensure Grasshoppers have Gurus in areas that they have questions in – we want to make sure that if you come to the site as a Grasshopper, there are Gurus that can answer your questions;

(3) we’re only releasing a few categories that are of interest to some of you, therefore it wouldn’t make sense to allow access to the general public; and

(4) so that we can scale the system under control (what is scaling? It means that if a ton of people joined all at once at the beginning, then our site might slow down or crawl… and that would suck for everyone).

So please bear with us during this phase. Thanks for your patience in advance.

In the mean time, register with your email address and we'll send you an invite to start using the site.

-The nkdGuru Team