Thursday, February 28, 2008

nkdGuru is a Semi-finalist!

Recently, nkdGuru has been selected out of thousands of startups and business concepts as one of the top 100 semifinalists for a contest called "You Be The VC".

Mark Modzelewski, founder of Bang Ventures, the investment firm behind the competition (see his interview on cnbc above), has put together a stellar panel of judges to review the semifinalists. They include - Marissa Mayer from Google, Leah Culver from Pownce and Curt Schilling of the Boston Red Sox. Their job is to filter the field to 20, and then open it up to popular vote, like American Idol.

In the end, the three entrepreneurs with the most votes will win seed funding and a package that includes an experienced engineering team in Poland and professional services from law firms and accounting firms like Deloitte and Touche.

Who knows what could happen, right? Let us know if you think our business idea is worthy to be one of the top 20. Either way, we think the world will be a better place with nkdGuru being a part of it!

We hope you think so too.

-The nkdGuru team!

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